Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Perth Trip Day 3 & 4

Continued from:
My Perth Trip Day 1
My Perth Trip Day 2

My Day 3 and 4 will be a rather short one because I had personal things to attend to. So I am going to combine Day 3 and 4 together to make 1 post.

Day 3
So for Day 3, CT arrived to Perth in the morning because she decided to find me. So in the morning, we headed to the airport to fetch her before going for breakfast together. She suggested going to "That" Cafe On Hay and here we were.
"That" Cafe On Hay
Muesli, Yogurt and Fresh Fruit (AUD9.50)
I usually don't eat this, but trying to eat clean, I ordered the Muesli, Yogurt and Fresh Fruit. I was quite worried initially because I wasn't sure what's the taste going to be like. It turned out fine. The fruits were sweet and the taste was fine. I can totally accept that.

Morning Glory (AUD8.50)
CT ordered a Morning Glory because she loved the bacon inside it. It was pretty good but if I were to order that, I might need two of them.
Big Breakfast (AUD21.50)
My parents shared the Big Breakfast, which I think is the best to order there. It basically have one of everything in it. We could decide how the egg to be done too.

So there is a blank in between here...

Let's move on to dinner. We were near Broadway Shopping Centre so we settled for dinner there. My parents were happy because there were lots of Asian food. They weren't used to Western food every meal.
Malaysian Gourmet
Chicken Rice,  Beef Rendang Rice with Vegetable and Curry Chicken Rice
The shop owners are from Malaysia, so their dishes were quite authentic. We enjoyed the meal for the night but I don't remember the exact price of the dishes already. It was around AUD10.00 for each dish.

Day 4
Day 4 was a rather short one too. We woke up about 0900hr and left the apartment about 1000hr, so we just decided to go for a brunch instead.
Outside Chapter 88
The place we chose was Chapter 88 by Ciao Italia. I have heard so much ravings about Ciao Italia's pasta but it wasn't convenient for us to go there, so we settled for Chapter 88.

The decor inside Chapter 88 was quite fascinating, so I took quite a few pictures of the interior decor while waiting for the food to be served.
Inside Chapter 88

We ordered seafood marinara, lamb shank and squid ink pasta
Seafood Marinara (AUD33.50),
Lamb Shank (AUD39.50),
Squid Ink Pasta (AUD33.50)
The food wasn't cheap here, but the portion justify for the price. 3 plates of dishes were more than enough to fill 4 stomachs fully. The squid ink pasta was the one right at the back of the picture. It wasn't the same as those we had in Singapore. Those we have in Singapore usually have black sauce on the pasta. The squid ink pasta at Chapter 88 was the pasta that is black in colour. Their pasta does live up to their reputation, it was really good. I haven't tried any pasta in Singapore that could beat theirs. Even so, I heard the pasta here weren't as good as those at Ciao Italia main branch. I wonder how good can their pasta get.

After a filling brunch, we headed to the iconic Blue Boat House at the Swan River. It seemed like it is a must go place when you are in Perth and we don't want to lose out, we were here too!

Blue Boat House
There wasn't anything else except the boat house. The nearest parking space is at the University of Western Australia and we had to walk about 10min to reach this place. I would say it was quite out of the way. Unless you head further down the road, you will reach the old swan brewery (I mentioned it in My Perth Trip Day 1).

Water Town
We visited the Water Town, formerly known as Harbour Town, which was about 10min drive from the Boat House. The shopping mall is known for the brand outlet stores, so this is one place to stop by to get some good deals.
Inside Water Town
The pricing here was quite reasonable here, but we didn't buy a lot of things from here though because we don't really need them at the moment.

After few hours of shopping, we were ready for dinner. We thought Chinatown would be a good place to find Asian food so we headed all the way there for dinner. Chinatown is located in Northbridge by the way. After being here for 4 days, I finally get to see some Chinese words there. 

The irony was, we ended up eating Western food instead.
Outback Jacks
Interior of Outback Jack
The reason why we ended up in here is because my parents haven't tried kangaroo meat before and Australia is the only place where you can get kangaroo meat.
Kangaroo Steak (AUD24.95) 
So we ordered a kangaroo steak to share. Personally, I think kangaroo meat taste better than beef. Even my parents agreed with me after they tried it. The kangaroo steak couldn't feed 4 person, so we ordered the Jack's challenge!
Jack's Challenge (AUD54.95)
What was this challenge about? If you could finish the plate under 30min, you just have to pay half the price, a free T-shirt and a record on the wall of fame. The dish contain a 1kg beef steak, wedges and vegetable. YES, 1KG BEEF STEAK! The fastest record holder on the wall was 5min 45sec to clear the plate, how crazy was that. We had 4 persons and we took more than 30min to finish eating it. That should give a clear gauge how fast the record holders were eating it. Anyway, we ordered this because we wanted to share the dish, not to challenge. I am not ready for it.

Easy Way 1L Mega Cup Bubble Tea
After dinner, CT felt that since we could stuff 1kg of meat in our tummy, 1L of bubble tea would be fine too. So she got a 1L mega cup bubble tea from Easy Way. Oh yes, it took us the rest of the night to finish that drink.

We ended our night with a bloated stomach.

Anyway, since I am talking about Northbridge, this place is one of the few places around Perth that has nightlife. I thought some of you might be interested to check it out.
Clubs along the street
Continue reading:
My Perth Trip Day 5 & 6

For more and better view of pictures, visit Flying Panda Facebook Page

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