Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Perth Trip Day 1

So I went to Perth...
With my parents...

To be honest, I was quite lost when I was there on the first day because things don't always turn out the way you wanted. First, I was told that I could easily rent a car at Perth airport, but all the car rental told me they don't have any car left for me to use. Lucky enough for me, Avis had a car for me to use after waiting for approximately an hour because one of their clients didn't turn up to collect their reserved car. Then second, I was quite hungry when I was there, but there wasn't much food option for me to choose because the airport was under renovation. So I settled with the only cafe at the airport. The food pricing was still not too bad. but the water was crazy. I bought 1L of mineral water at the price of AUD8.00. That is very very expensive! Nonetheless, I still have to buy it because I was thirsty then.

Anyway, those things aside, I had set my first day in Perth to visit the city area first since it was near the hotel.
The City of Perth
So the thing about first day was that we would walk around first to get ourselves familiar with Perth since we had another 5 more days there.
Map of the City
Perth was a nice place, they had maps laid out all over the city so you don't get lost. Although that being said, we weren't even sure where we were walking to still. But as we walked, we just reached the London Court.
London Court
I wasn't even aware this was the London Court until I left the place and looked at the map later in the day.

So as we walked, we spotted the CAT bus.
Blue CAT bus
Timing for CAT bus
I came upon this when I was researching on Perth. This is a free bus service that loop around Perth city, which makes it easy to travel around. The waiting time wasn't very long either, so it was really convenient. I like this concept that the Australian government implemented. They made the parking so expensive and provided a free shuttle bus for the people to commute. This will definitely reduce the traffic congestion if it is implemented in Singapore as well.

After walking around, it was time for lunch. We weren't sure what to have for lunch though, so we settled with something that we were more familiar with.
Pepper Lunch 
Yes, it's Pepper lunch because my parents wanted rice. We are Asians after all right?
Salmon Pepper Rice (AUD11.50)
Beef Pepper Rice (AUD9.30)
Curry Beef Pepper Rice (AUD10.20)

After lunch, we decided to take a boat ride down at the Barrack Street Jetty. So we took a stroll down to the jetty.
Stirling Garden Entrance
As we walked from the city to the jetty, we will definitely pass the Stirling Garden.
Stirling Garden
 The place is so nice that you can see people just lying down on the grass patch to sleep. How often can we do that in Singapore?

Supreme Court of Australia
 Just beside the garden, the Supreme Court of Australia is also located there.

The jetty wasn't hard to locate, just look for the Bell Tower. This 82.5m tall infrastructure is quite hard to miss.
Bell Tower

There were a few ferry agencies to choose from at the jetty and we decided to choose Captain Cook Cruises because I have heard about this agency before. The rest of the agencies offer similar services, I just chose the one that I am more familiar with.
Captain Cook Cruise
Cruise Ticket
So we got the tickets for 1415hr Swan River Scenic Cruise (Return) at AUD38.00 per pax.

The ferry we took
So as the cruise arrive at the jetty, we board the cruise and off we went!

Leaving the jetty

The first icon that we pass by was the Old Swan Brewery.
Old Swan Brewery

There were a lot of things that we saw on the cruise, the shop captain explained a lot of things to us and it was very detailed. I learned a lot of history of Perth from him. One of the things that caught my attention was the most expensive estate in Australia
Most expensive estate in Australia
The owner paid AUD57.5 million for the home. and became the most expensive estate in the whole of Australia.
Another expensive estate
This estate was one of the most expensive estate in Perth as well and it caught my attention because it looked like a castle.

As we were approaching Fremantle,  I spotted a few nice ship at the dock
Brasilia Highway

Sea Princess Cruise
China MSA
One of the ship that I saw was the China MSA ship. Remember the MH370 aircraft that went missing? This ship was there as part of the searching team

After docking at Fremantle, some people alighted, new passenger boarded and off we went again. We were travelling back to Perth on the 1545hr Fremantle departure. For that departure time, the cruise actually provided complimentary wine tasting of local Australian wines. 
Wine tasting
I tried all of them. It was good. Maybe it was just me. Everything overseas just taste better.

Lots of fins!
On the way back, we saw lots of fins in the water. Was it shark?

It's dolphin
No... It wasn't. I was just dolphin. The ship captain said we were quite lucky. They don't usually see all the time.

City of Perth landscape
Back to Barrack Street Jetty
And so we ended up back at the Bell Tower, and we decided to visit it since we were already there.
Heading to Bell Tower
Sadly, the tower was already closed by then. It was about 1700hr when we alighted the cruise. The last admission to Bell Tower was 1545hr. So we only stayed on the outside.
Love Locks
There wasn't much to see on the outside except for the rows of love locks. Love locks were originated from China and now it has already spread all over the planet.

So after all the touring in Perth city, we headed to Woolworths to get some grocery.
Woolworths at Perth City
I found something really interesting was the cake. A hyper mart was selling hand decorated cake off the shelf! We don't get that in Singapore. Then again, I wonder if it taste nice.
Cars Cake
Peppa Pig Cake
Thomas & Friends Cake
Spongebob Squarepants Cake

The next thing was the durian I saw. Consider that it was an imported product there, I understand for the pricing. But Thailand durian doesn't taste good, they should import from Malaysia.
Thailand Durian

After all the grocery shopping, I got my chocolate chip cookie! It is really cheap there. 24 piece of them only cost AUD5.80 and they tasted better than most of the cookies I get from the supermarket in Singapore.
Chocolate Chip Cookie

Alright... That is all for my first day.

Continue reading:
My Perth Trip Day 2
My Perth Trip Day 3 & 4
My Perth Trip Day 5 & 6

For more and better view of pictures, visit Flying Panda Facebook Page

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