Monday, August 4, 2014

Johor Bahru Exploration - Day 2 of 2

Moving from Day 1 of our trip to JB:
Johor Bahru Exploration - Day 1 of 2

After a good night of rest, thanks to the comfortable bed provided by KSL resort, we were all refreshed for another day of exploration in JB.

As we leaving the hotel for breakfast, CT spotted the Chinese guardian lions statues in front of the entrance of the hotel, she quickly undo her hair and tied it like the ancient Chinese ladies' hairstyle (based on TV drama) so she could pose together with the lions. She currently has a hype for ancient Chinese dramas.
Posing like ancient Chinese lady

For breakfast, we decided to go back to Taman Sri Tebrau for bak kut teh at Soon Huat Bak Kut Teh. According to some locals that we asked during the previous day, they said that this stall is more popular in demand.
Soon Huat Bak Kut Teh
Bak Kut Teh with extra button mushroom
We ordered a serving for 2 pax with extra button mushroom and it cost RM26.00 (inclusive of our drinks and rice). What I like about this dish is the soup base and the flavour of the meat was good too. It would have be nicer if the meat could be softer. I also realised this stall used charcoal to cook their bak kut teh which is quite rare nowadays. Maybe that explain why their bak kut teh tasted better than the rest. Somehow, using charcoal makes dishes taste better even though everything else remain constant.

As we had yet to explore the hotel on the first day, we headed back to the hotel after breakfast to check out their facilities. 
Entrance to Dinosaur Water Themed Park
So the first place we head to was the Dinosaur Water Themed Park. It's complimentary for hotel guests. but public need to pay a hefty RM50.00 for an adult. Unless you are a hotel guest, I wouldn't recommend you to go in for that kind of price.

The overall concept of this water themed park is rather simple. They have a few dinosaur statues placed around the park and some information about dinosaurs on the wall. The head of the dinosaurs will move and some even spit water.

Following the themed park, we visited the gold simulator and the gym.
To the gold simulator and the gym
We didn't play with the simulator nor did we hit the gym. We just explored them and the gym is relatively well equipped. All the equipment are well maintained too. No one was playing on the golf simulator so I couldn't see how is it like to play golf indoors, but it definitely looks fun. I shall try it some day.

As we head back to our rooms to collect our bags to check out, there was newspaper hanging on the door.
Star Newspaper
While CT need some time to touch up and pack her bag, I chilled on the bed and started reading the newspaper. I haven't done something so luxurious (lying on the bed and reading newspaper without having to do other things is a luxury to me) for a long long time.

Anyway, once we were ready to check out, we proceed to the lobby and handed the room keys to the reception. The seats at the lobby were beautiful, so I decided to take a quick picture before leaving the hotel.
Posing at KSL lobby

After leaving the hotel, we shopped in KSL. I didn't find anything worth purchasing except for 2 small panda toy from F.O.S. It was going at RM16.00 for 2 so I got 2 (1 for me, 1 for CT).
Chatime and the Panda
CT loves the roasted milk tea from Chatime so we went to to get it for her. It is like the sure thing that she will always go and get it if she knows there is a Chatime nearby.

After finishing her milk tea, we went for lunch at Soon Soon Heng Bak Kut Teh which is just across the road. I know right, we just had bak kut teh for breakfast. It was bak kut teh overload!
Soon Soon Heng Bak Kut Teh
This wasn't the first time that we ate here. Because it is nearest to KSL, we always eat here whenever we go KSL. This shop is pretty popular among Singaporeans and is always filled with people regardless the time I arrive. Overall, this meal cost RM34.70 (RM29.00 for the bak kut teh only).

Anyway, comparing both places (Soon Soon Heng and Soon Huat) for bak kut teh, I would prefer Soon Huat's. I will be doing a review comparing this 2 stalls soon, so stay tune for it.

After lunch, we headed back to JB central because there are places that I want to go before heading back to Singapore. We took a blue cab back to City Square which cost us RM12.00. It's expensive by the way. Blue cab is very expensive compared to the red ones. For the same distance, red cab usually cost around RM8.00. The reason why we took the blue cab is because there wasn't any other cab around at that time. So please take note, unless you don't mind the fare difference, choose the red cab if possible. Note: I am not advertising for the red cab. This is purely a sharing of my own experience.

That aside, my destination wasn't City Square mall. I am heading the Jalan Dohby and Jalan Tan Hiok Nee. These 2 streets are parallel to each other. I have heard a lot about the cafes and nice food in these streets so I wanted to visit the place myself. These streets are near to City Square. It took me about 10 minutes to walk to the street.

Anyway, we passed by the new shopping mall directly beside City Square, so I thought of sharing because I know a lot of people doesn't know that there will be a new shopping mall coming up just across the border.
New shopping mall coming up

As we reached the streets, there were indeed a lot of cafes and food stalls. Many of the cafes were closed though. So we just stroll down the street to see what is there for us to go the next time. There are so many places that I want to visit the next time, but I am keeping them to myself until the next time I visit them.
Jalan Tan Hiok Nee
We visit the super famous Hiap Joo Bakery & Biscuit Factory. There were so many media that interviewed them before. True enough, when we were there, all their cakes has been sold out and they only left with banana cake. Still, they were selling like hot cakes. I saw people coming in and grab 10 packets of them and paid for it, no question asked. Fearing that they might be selling out fast, I grabbed 2 packets and paid for it too.
Hiap Joo Bakery & Biscuit Factory
Price list
Each packet of banana cake cost RM9.00. Based on the currency exchange rate then, it cost about SGD3.60 which might not be expensive to us. Considering that I am a Malaysian too, RM9.00 is very expensive for the local (Putting ourselves in their shoes: if the banana cake cost SGD9.00, will you still buy it?)

Although that being said, their banana cake taste really good. One of the best I have ever tried. If you have not try it before, I would recommend it.

As we were walking, we spotted the entrance to Coffee Valley in an alley which could be missed very easily.
Entrance and menu of Coffee Valley
Being curious of the cafe layout upstairs, we went up for a quick peek. The place was really nice and quiet. So I ordered a waffle (RM10.50) and sit down to enjoy the ambiance and rest for a while.
Signature Original Waffle with Salted Butter
I don't know if it is the mentality that everything on the other side taste better or is it because it really taste better. I love their waffle and ice cream a lot. I crave for it every time I see this picture. Those in Singapore doesn't make me crave for them that much.
Enjoying the waffle

After spending quite a long while in the cafe, it was about 1600hr, so we decided to cross the border before the peak hour. That marked the end of our 2 day JB exploration and I did get a lot of experience and found out a lot more places in JB. I shall visit JB really soon again.

For more and better view of pictures, visit Flying Panda Facebook Page

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