Friday, October 17, 2014

My Perth Trip Day 2

Continued from
My Perth Trip Day 1

Alright, here comes Day 2
So on the first day, I didn't mention where I stayed while we were at Perth, so here it is.

Mountway Holiday Aparment
We stayed at Mountway Holiday Apartment through out the trip. I did a lot of research before booking this place. It is one of the most affordable apartment with great location and decent room. It only cost SGD1042.00 for 6 nights. There were 3 of us so it only cost about SGD58.00 per night for a person.
Mountway Holiday Apartment from the outside
Why did I say it has great location? This picture above was taken from the bridge just in front of the apartment. At the other end of the bridge, it is the Perth city. Isn't it convenient?

BBQ Area
BBQ pits and benches
The place comes with a BBQ area as well which is free to use. It was a pretty decent place if you intend to do a BBQ while staying there. I actually thought of it but we don't have the time to do it. Maybe next time...

So the apartment is located at the road named Mount Street

Just along the road, there is a great place for workout.
Nice workout place with wonderful scenery
Check this place out, there were quite a number of people doing workout there. I would be totally motivated to exercise with such a pretty view. But that's not all... Go near to the railings and look down.
Jacob's Ladder
It is the Jacob's ladder. When I saw this, I got an awesome workout regime in my mind straight away. This is so cool! Fort Canning Park is the closest I can get to this in Singapore, but still not comparable enough.

Just a stone throw away is where the King's Park located. The moment I walked into the park, the first thing I noticed is this super huge tree.
Huge tree
 You know, it would be such a waste if I don't climb it.
On the tree
King's Park is really pretty...
Into King's Park

Anyway King's Park is 90 hectare in size. Because of the large space area, the police rode on horses to patrol the park. Cool right?
Police on horses
I didn't finish the whole area of the park though. It was too huge. It would have taken at least half of my day just to tour the whole park. I completed about half the park and it already took me almost to lunch time already.

Since it was lunch time already, we headed down to Hilarys Boat Harbour for our lunch.
Hilarys Boat Harbour
So I spotted this Beach Shack.
Beach Shack
Nope, we didn't have out lunch here. The place was so nicely decorated that I just took a picture of it.

Nino's Fish Bar & Cafe
 We had our lunch at the Nino's Fish Bar & Cafe. We ordered a Barramundi & Chips and Salt & Pepper Soft Shell Crab to share.
Barramundi & Chips (AUD16.90)
Basically, a Barramundi is a seabass. They have a variety of different fish & chips but I just randomly chose this one. Even if you gave me different type of fish, it will still taste the same in my mouth. 

Salt & Pepper Soft Shell Crab (AUD25.50)
Actually, what I love about this soft shell crab dish was the salad. By saying that, you should know by now I am not really a seafood fan. Anyway, there was so much chips that we couldn't even finish even though I lov fries. 

With our full stomach, we took a stroll around the harbour to help us with the digestion.
View of Hilarys Boat Harbour
When I was outside, I thought there wasn't much to see here except for the beach, but I was wrong.

Even though the shopping area doesn't look huge, there were rows and rows of shops selling all sorts of items.

The little beach
 Then right in front of the harbour is this small beach area for people and seagulls to play. There is a larger beach area nearby but I didn't go over to that side so no picture for that.

Another highlight at Hilarys is the Aquarium Western Australia. It has the largest single aquarium and walk through underwater tunnel in Australia.
Aquarium Western Australia
The entrance was AUD29.00 for an adult. There were quite a lot of underwater creatures to see there, but then again, all the aquariums that I have been were generally quite similar. Although AQWA has some breed of underwater creatures that are exclusive to Australia, I am no expert to tell them apart from those in other countries.
Clown fish under magnifying glass
Seahorse under magnifying glass
Differentiating turtles
 There was a board that taught us how to differentiate turtles from one another which I find it interesting. I used to see turtles as just turtles when I went to the Live Turtle & Tortoise Museum.

While in the aquarium, I saw a group of tourists climbing onto the rocks along the coastlines. That was so "tourist" but I would have done it too if I were out there.
Tourist on the rocks
For your information, the water body in the picture is none other than the Indian Ocean.

By the time we left the place, it was about 1700hr. We headed back to the city to have our dinner. My parents wanted something with rice so we found this Corner Cafe which serve Asian food.
Corner Cafe
Curry Chicken Rice
I remembered I ordered their curry chicken rice. But I forgot what are the remaining 2 dishes that my parents ordered. One was a beef and the other was a chicken though.

I tried all of them and all of them tasted good. They were more of a fusion rather than the authentic dishes, but it was still satisfying to eat there. I forgot the prices for each of the dishes already. The total price was AUD38.85 for all the 3 dishes.

There isn't much things to do at night in Perth, so we retired back to our apartment after dinner.

Continue reading:

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